Atlanta Excursions

A ‘Not So Secret’ Garden

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Hey Friends!

Have you looked at something and said, “How’d they do that?” I found myself saying it over and over again when I visited the Atlanta Botanical Gardens.  I’ve never been one with a green thumb, so  for me, what they did with those plants was nothing short of incredible.   I know, I know, they’re just plants, right? Yes, but no.

If you close your eyes and someone whispers in your ear, “Botanical Gardens”, what do you see?  If you said flowers, plants and maybe a waterfall, you’d only be touching the surface.  You see, these 30 acres of visual ambrosia includes a Skyline Garden, Rose Garden, Rock Garden, a Children’s Garden, an Edible garden and many other types of gardens.

As you round every corner, you’ll find plants that have been pruned, grown, and finessed into incredible works of art.  In one garden, you’ll discover a sleeping Rip Van Winkle made entirely of plants (I kid you not!). As we proceeded further, we encountered a lady by the pond with a waterfall flowing from the palm of her hand.  No, not a real lady, but a one made of plants. I don’t have a clue as to how it was accomplished, but the artistry is truly spectacular.

Sleep well, Rip, Sleep well!

If plants aren’t your thing, that’s OK.  After all, the color green can be offensive to some people. Never fear, the flowers at this place were just as incredible. In some displays, the artisans put the plants and the flowers together to form the most amazing tapestry of visual delight.

No worries if you get hungry while you there.  This place has a full-scale restaurant called, get this, the “Long Leaf”, which has grab & go options if you’re on a timetable.  If you’re famished and happened to be in the Perinneal Gardens, right around the corner is the snack bar to grab a quick bite.

Gabriel & Co. fine jewelry

My trip to the garden was in August and as you can imagine, the weather was a little warm.  One of the things I noticed immediately was the SHADE. I was apprehensive about going to this venue in the heat of the summer, but fret not my friends, the canopy of the trees filtered the sun so well that the temperature was pleasing.  That is, except for the Fuqua Conservatory which boasts temperatures that of rain forest. Can you say hot & humid?

Anytime I go somewhere in Atlanta, I’m always concerned about the crowd size.  I went on a Tuesday around 11 am and it wasn’t crowded at all.  I asked a clerk in the gift shop about busy times and she informed me that I’d picked a good time to visit, but the weekends are the busiest times in her opinion.

As with many of the attractions in Atlanta, there are entrance and parking fees, but believe me, it’s money well spent. You can, however,obtain a Garden membership. There are different membership levels and most levels allow entrance to the many events at the garden. If you’re new to Atlanta, do yourself a favor and schedule a visit with your kids and parents. It’s kid & senior friendly place. They will love you for it.  The holidays are coming up and their calendar boasted several holiday themed events.  I can’t wait to see what it looks like at night!  Let me get my coat!




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  1. Mercie Patterson says:

    Wow!!! Love it

    1. Vanessa says:

      Thanks! Check out the post called Thirsty, much. I think you’ll like it.

  2. Justine General says:

    That was beautiful. Enjoyed your other story as well. Keep up the good work.

    1. Vanessa says:

      Thank you friend. I appreciate your support.

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